Crystal Clear Images
Visible and Ultraviolet Imagers
Manufactured in the USA
Manual, and programmed scanning imagers and temperature-controlled, robotic plate hotels for macromolecule (protein, DNA and RNA) crystallography
Classifying protein crystals from non-protein crystals in crystallization drops has been a long-standing problem in protein crystallography. The ultimate differentiation is through X-ray diffraction. However, X-ray diffraction is impractical in many situations as the crystals could be too numerous or even too small to harvest and mount. There may also cases where the crystals are masked by precipitate and even visual inspection may miss these crystals. UV fluorescence from crystallization drops can highlight protein microcrystals and crystals hidden by prceipitate. UV transmission images can highlight nucleic acid crystals and protein crystals whose fluorescence has been quenched by, for example, small ligand molecules.
With over 150 installations around the world, JANSi UVEX has become an important tool in many crystallography labs for rapid in-situ detection of protein crystals.
Right - Top: Image with crossed polarizers; Middle: Brightfield image; Bottom: UV fluorescence image


Contact Us
Please contact us with any questions, requests for quotes or ideas for custom imagers
3815 Woodland Park Avenue North, Suite 101
Seattle, WA 98103